L(E)t It (GO)

By: Juliana Pires Johnson

Over fajitas and margaritas with my now husband and parents, the week of our wedding, my dad casually mentioned, between sips of his Pancho’s “Naughty Maggie” margarita, that the biggest lesson in his life,  which he wanted to share was to always learn to “let it go.” 

It was so casual for a message that was so impactful. Although it took me a while to really understand that letting go doesn’t mean forgetting and keeping events, situations or people who upset you stored in your body, stored in your subconscious; I now Know that letting go means accepting, processing, forgiving (you and others) and remaining unattached to those people, past situation, thoughts or things. All of these being attributes of the EGO. 

Just let it go, let go of the ego, your ego is not your amigo (credit to Karla Welch for that last one). 

Toss the ego

Embrace the soul

It’s the only way forward

For you to grow

What they think about you

Is their thought to bear

What’s expected by others of you

Is their expectation to care

What you Know about you 

Is your work to do

To believe that your Spirit

Is the only true you


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